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Please note that this game contains some scenes of violence. Actually, the game itself is just a huge scene of violence.
Just so you are warned ...


The weakest system the game was tested on was a:

  • Pentium II 400 MHz
  • 64 MB RAM
  • Matrox graphics card (exact model unknown...but it was an old one)
  • Windows 98 SE

Please note that this game requires Windows 98+!

The game was created using Allegro WIP 4.1.13 and FMOD. All the required DLLs are shipped with this package, so you shouldn't need any additional downloads.

Please choose your download:

Atomic Butcher v1.0 ~38.3 MB download (Europe) | mirror (USA)
Atomic Butcher v1.0 w/o music ~13.2 MB download (Europe) | mirror (USA)
Atomic Butcher v1.1 patch ~2.97 MB download (Europe) | mirror (USA)
Atomic Butcher v1.1 patch w/o music ~1.41 MB download (Europe) | mirror (USA)

It is highly recommended that you download the package WITH music, since you'll enjoy the game much more with the proper ambient sounds.

Please note that the complete download version is still version 1.0. Do also download and install the patch to version 1.1!

Special thanks go to William Heatley for providing a mirror download.

Installing the game

Simply extract the zip-archive somewhere on your disk. You'll need an archiver capable of the zip format for this.
Then, start the game with AtomicButcher.exe.

Be sure to read the manual before playing!

Installing the patch

Patching from version 1.0 to 1.1 is fairly simple: extract the zip-archive into your AtomicButcher directory and make sure to overwrite all files with the newer versions.

Changes from 1.0 to 1.1:

  • the game's now using Allegro WIP 4.1.17
  • automatic weapon switching when running out of ammo
  • the overview map now marks levels
  • urinating on burning enemies will now also cast a ray of fire
  • some minor bug fixes
  • added some secrets to the maps
  • added two new music tracks (not available in the version w/o music)
  • improved overall balance (hopefully)
  • text might now be displayed longer
  • cheats can be unlocked when beating the game

Das Humankapital.

(C) 2004-2008 by DasHumankapital. Contact webmaster